Friday, April 18, 2014

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Yes, I am still alive!

I've been... in no particular order ....
Beach walking (1+ mile most days)

Lap swimming (20-30 mins 5-6x/wk)

 "Hanging" (to stretch my Achilles tendon) 

Running (to improve my jay-walking)

Attending cultural events (opera, plays, symphony "Chamber Soirees")

Dining in restaurants with interesting decor like these cork balls

Painting (taking a course in "Painting in acrylics and inks)

And working every day, of course

Always putting suntan lotion on my scar

And when I have nothing better to do, I admire my great toe!

Anything else you'd like to know?

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Great toe update

Looking good .....
Square indentation pattern is from a Bandaid
The two anesthesia injection sites are the only sore areas!

Monday, January 13, 2014

New drama - the great toe mystery

At my last appointment with achilles surgeon Dr Reach, I remembered to ask him about a strange brown/black mark on my right big toenail that I had noticed sometime after the surgery and appeared to be growing with the nail.  I thought it had been caused by pressure on the big toe during surgery.

Dr Reach looked aghast - "Oh no, we never touch the toes.  This could be a sub unguis melanoma. You should see a dermatologist."  No time to do this - we were leaving for Christmas in California with Mary, Mark, Alexis and Ethan in a couple of days.

Mark looked at my toenail, "Hmm, I don't think it is anything like that. It's just dried blood from a trauma to the toe.  And of course something could have happened related to the surgery. I suggest you see a podiatrist just to be sure."

So, once in Sarasota, I went to see Dr Howard, who also thought there was less than a 5% chance  the mark on my right "great toe" nail was a basal cell carcinoma.  It was my choice, but he recommended cutting out that piece of the nail just to be sure.  If the mark came off with the nail, no problem, if not ...let the boys in the lab tell us what it is.

So today, here I am back in a foot surgeon's office

Tools at the ready, toe anesthetized and painted with iodine

Snip. snip

And the mystery solved!

I emerge with a bandaid

Plus three weeks of vinegar solution foot baths and special cream.

All's well that end's well!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Here and there, this and that

The week started off cold ... we walked on the beach, but not many other did.

The next day brought showers ... and an interesting half-rainbow


Thursday saw us further south, in Fort Myers, visiting the Ford-Edison winter homestead with Ruthellen and Bruce Corbett, long-time friend from Avon who were in the area for a week.


Ford's 8-cylinder engine

Edison's electric light fixture
We did lots of walking visiting the houses, grounds and museum. Ruthellen seemed surprised that I could walk again - and I wondered why she she even mentioned it. That's how long ago last October seems now!

Friday we updated our kitchen aids - and are considered investing in Cuisinart!

The temperature was much warmer, and others had returned to the beach

But so had red seaweed  -- is this a reminder of Lord's Point?

I hope it goes out to sea again soon.

All-in-all a busy week without a clear theme

Sunday, January 5, 2014

This Sunday in Sarasota

And the last Christmas tree of our travels -
Lights on the east side of the building
We've established our routine:
A walk on the beach (see fb)
Replenish the fridge

Lunch on the balcony

And little culture at the Icons of Style special exhibition at the Ringling Museum

All-in-all quite a lot of walking - with a right ankle that worked much better than when I last walked in this neighborhood

Friday, January 3, 2014

Happenings in Laguna Beach

For starters there were many opportunities to exercise my ankle -- Karen and Steve live at the top of the canyon

Street near their house

From downtown
with daily opportunities for watching fantastic sunsets over the Pacific.

We stayed in a hotel on PCH  (Pacific Coast Highway), so it was quite a hike up the hill to their house.  However, the city has a great bus service, winding up and down through the neighborhoods, so much walking was spared.

We did walk on the beach

and downtown when we visited a special pottery exhibition in the Art Museum.

One of many opportunities to try my new camera ....

A unique activity occurred with not one but two sewerage backups in the garage -- necessitating dismantling storage, discarding stuff, and shuttling to Goodwill.

eventually the plumber discovered the root cause (literally) and now a "dig alert" is in process before a permanent solution is put in place next week.

More  importantly, there was much good food and drink

Sampling the champagne bought at the vineyard by Mary & Mark's house.

Steve cooks yummy breakfast burritos

Jack attacks the "Henry VIII" portion of prime rib at the Five Crowns  restaurant

We're sad to leave ... but all good holidays must come to an end