My first night in Gothenburg coincided with the arrival of "Sven" - the worst storm in 20 years. The wind howled all night and rain blew horizontally at the apartment building. I snugged down in bed and slept soundly - waking onFriday to a clear day with a dusting of snow on the ground.
But since the temperature has hovered around freezing ever since, the cobblestones are icy and walking takes concentration.
Never mind - I've walked the mile to Ulla's - and my - office at the graduate Research Institute, to the Concert Hall for a a wonderful performance of Christmas music, where we had a worm's eye view from the front row
And back again to the apartment.
Today we walked, then ran for the tram,
then connected to the bus (Ah! no walking for a while) that goes on the ferry to Ockero, where Ulla and Kaj have their summer home.
We walked round the bay to make arrangements for a conference next May,
then on to Ulla and Kaj's house to inspect the roof for damage to the tiles in the wind, and check that all is well with the family from India who is living there this winter.
After a delicious lunch we walked back to the bus and finally up the street to our apartment.
My bed is my only walking destination for the rest of today - thoughI will surely dream of all the Christmas trolls I've seen "walking around"!