Friday, October 4, 2013

Today's instruments of "torture"

Just in case my readers are concerned whether I am being subjected to "physical torture" of the "waterboarding type" all in the name of therapy, here are some of the instruments that I endured today.

Treadmill - walking 5 mins each forwards, backwards, sideways, "Gait is much better."

Stretching back of heel  - Stand with one foot on each side and h-o-l-d. "Still a way to go."

Extra 1 lb weight for ankle/foot motion up & down. "More weights next week."

And exercises that were "torture" to do, but required no extra devices - standing on right foot and doing different things with the left, heel and toe raises - "See if you can do just the right foot."

Not really that bad, eh?  Just ask me while I'm doing it!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are making good progress. Are you able to toe raise now?
