Wednesday, September 18, 2013

So, what's new?

The last couple of days have been incredibly busy academic work wise.  I have three projects at the "need intensive attention" phase.  It's not good when this confluence occurs - I end up juggling Skype calls to Sweden, Diana at the front door, and editing tasks that need my immediate (and properly undivided) attention.  This morning I was up soon after 5 AM to join an all-day meeting in Gothenburg (by Skype of course).

Originally I was supposed to be there in person - but you all know what intervened!  So I couldn't taste the fika "goodies" that by all accounts were" too beautiful to eat" - but they ate them anyway!

So, I've spent most of the past two days at my computer on the dining table, with forays upstairs to use the printer and periodic brisk walks to the beach and back to practice my gait.  It's improving, but I can't forecast when I will be taking the next wedge out of my boot.

But this position is still the best!

You can tell it's a new photo 'cause I'm wearing the one pair of long trousers that fit over the boot - some Target exercise pants!

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